Christine Wellness Coach
  • Be just starting out as a coach and wellness practitioner, with the desire to transform lives in a positive way and have the freedom to enjoy life without the stress and hustle of building a business.

  • Have a limited budget, and take huge leaps to invest in myself and business at the same time.

  • Go through all the trainings, sort through all the expert advice out there that says you have to do this business stuff one particular way and still have no idea where to start or how to create a consistent stream of paying clients.

  • Feel like you have to do it on your own, because you’re just starting out and you don’t have a team behind the scenes to help you.

  • Not be sure where to start and what to focus on to start bringing in income and clients.

  • Be willing to step outside of your circumstances and create your desire for a thriving wellness practice.

  • Be a go-getter, action taker, implementer, growth seeker with a positive attitude, willing to do what it takes until it works.

  • Not willing to take action and implement the strategy being taught.

  • Want to learn a high TECH strategy with fancy funnels and Facebook ads.

  • Attached to your excuses and keeping the back door open, complaining about your past, seeing yourself as a victim to your circumstances. 

Christine Wellness Coach